Are you FEELING stressed?
You strive to have things be as “perfect” as they can be. When others look at you, people think you’ve got it together. On the inside though, you may feel tired and exhausted.
You are feeling stressed because you find it hard to say “no” to others. You find it difficult to do the things you may want to do because you’re worried about what others may think of you. Maybe you’re scared to do something that’s different than what’s been expected of you.
You may also feel restless and worried most of the time. You may have difficulty concentrating, whether it's on a task or in a conversation because your thoughts are going in many different directions at once.
How anxiety can show up in a high functioning person
When high achieving individuals experience anxiety, they may be able to accomplish a lot but can be feeling overwhelmed, restless, and burnt out.
One way my clients have coped with their anxiety, in the past, is to do more. They achieved a lot, and helped others more than they would have liked, because they are trying to quiet down their concerns about whether or not they are “good enough” or “doing enough”. Sometimes our anxieties can drive us to do more, and/or we feel pressured to keep up what we are doing even if it’s something that no longer brings us joy. Then this cycle gets repeated.
But now my clients have been able to reduce how much their anxieties take control of their lives. They’ve been able to reflect more on what they want to do that is actually feasible, while still supporting the ones they care about without having to sacrifice their owns needs.
The clients I work with have also been able to become less avoidant. They have really allowed themselves to imagine different outcomes and possibilities, and decide what is best for them and their situation. They’re able to manage their worries about making changes, while remembering their skills, strengths and abilities to know that they can handle what may come their way.
You can Also gain more control over managing your anxiety
We all experience anxiety some time. However, anxiety can exist without hindering or impeding on your needs and your mood.
You don’t have to change everything all at once to manage your anxiety better.
I can help you learn about how these anxiety symptoms are showing up in your life, and where these anxieties may be stemming from. We can learn new ways to cope and can start exploring aspects of your life that you’d like to be different.
You can stop doing things because you’re worried about whether or not you’re “doing enough”.
You are doing enough.
You are enough.
You can start to do things for yourself, and for others,
because you want to and it makes you feel good.